Friday, August 29, 2008

A caricature is a caricature is a caricature?

It is not accurate to say a caricature is a caricature is a caricature. I was recently hired by some bankers after some of the many other satisfied customers of mine in their office recommended me. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me, someone showed them only a sample of someone else's work, art that looks nothing like mine. Despite providing them with my website address and a sample of my work on the invoice they signed, the client is very unhappy to see the disparity in styles between my caricatures and the drawing they saw before. I was only given a week to draw 9 people. I'm pretty sure the other caricaturist they formed their expectations on was not so rushed.

It's not 2004 and we're not in Kansas anymore...

WWII was caused by The stock market crash and The Great Depression, as well as the justified but unrealistic reparations demanded from Germany. Americans were mortgaging their homes to make feverish, speculative investments. Doesn't sound so unfamiliar or irrelevant, eh?

No lawful government in Germany could feed the Germans, so the Nazis took over.

The rest of the world is now taking serious hits from the economic crisis flaring up here. Wanna take bets when or where the next world war will start? Looking forward to a conflict that'll make Iraq look like summer camp? Might not be anything we can do to prevent it, but when it happens, do you really want a 1 year junior senator as commander in chief? Is that the guy you want sending your spouses or kids to war? If you were in a humvee patrolling Bagdad right now, who would you want to take orders from? If you have any friends or loved ones serving, ask them. We owe them a competant, qualified commander in chief.

Weak economies in Europe & America made us reluctant to stop Tojo & Hitler early. How many places is the same thing happening now, Darfur, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea...

Too bad qualified people like Biden or Clinton can't get nominated to actually lead this country instead of a rookie. This brainless country will get what it deserves electing a half term freshman senator to lead us through 2 or more serious wars and the worst economic crisis since the Depression. I'm a life long Dem voting for the first GOP prez in my life. McCain is the most likable Republican since Eisenhower. Obama is the phoniest, least qualified nominee I ever heard of from either party. I guess the smart money, ever since 2000, has been on this country voting the dumbest way possible.

Thank you SO much, you Stanford University geniuses! "On the other side of the racial question, the Illinois Democrat is drawing almost unanimous support from blacks..." But of course this whole article is about white racists not voting for Obama, instead of black racists not voting for McCain! If anyone is brainless enough to believe racism is by any standard uncommon among people of ANY color, I have a great old bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell to you.

Good thing you buried, "Race is not the biggest factor driving Democrats and independents away from Obama. Doubts about his competency loom even larger, the poll indicates. More than a quarter of all Democrats expressed doubt that Obama can bring about the change they want, and they are likely to vote against him because of that." ... in the middle of the article where lots of readers might miss it. You don't want anyone to find out life-long democrats like me are voting against Obama because he has no resume and because he's a bigot. You don't want anyone to find out McCain democrats might vote for John & Sarah because they're the most likeable republicans since Eisenhower and because they have proven to bring more change to government already than Obama ever will.

Let's hope at least just enough voters wake up to the fact Obama is far out of his depth handling the problems we face today. I wouldn't vote for such an inexperienced bigot in good times, but here we are with Russia turning agressive, Iran has a space program AND a nuke program, and now a 150 year old firm like Lehman Bros, they rode out the Great Depression, but they're going under now. How bad do things have to get before you realize things are BAD? This world has some very grown-up problems. McCain isn't a proven miracle worker, but at least he's no rookie and only someone like Obama is stupid enough to confuse him with G.W. Bush. Before you let a clown like Obama have any serious responsability, at least wait & see if he can be elected to the Senate more than once! (not likely, unless he moves to another state) The desk in the Oval Office should never be occupied by an intern, it needs a seasoned pro. We can still get someone really good, like Clinton, in 2012, but not if we destroy the Democratic Party this time by electing Obama.

I'm just ecstatic to see Obama & McCain both choosing running mates SO much more experienced & better qualified than Obama. McCain & Palin have actual records as independent republican leaders. They have proven their tendency to stray from partisan politics, departing from at least some of the rigid GOP views. Obama has a record of doing nothing for ONE year in the senate before deciding to run for president since he won't get re-elected otherwise. He does not have a record of bucking any Democratic partisan politics or achieving any change in government. He does have a record of outspending Clinton & McCain 2 to 1 and still struggling to stay in the race. His campaign ads try to make a big deal by nitpicking the GOP ticket's record & conveniently giving up on pretending he himself has any record at all.

Palin is stretching the truth about her record? At least she & McCain HAVE records. What's the point of focusing on the
issues when candidate Obama has no record? I finally heard something about his record the other day: voting for Big Oil
Corporate Welfare, voting to raise taxes on the middle class. Listen to what he says all you want, but don't forget how none
of it relates to anything he does.

For cryin' out loud, Obama outspends Clinton & McCain 2 to 1 and never has more than a thin lead in the polls.
Ever notice how all the media reports about polls never calculate the likely electoral college results? McCain has been
known for years to be the most prominent of the least partisan republicans around. Palin is the most independant
Republican I ever heard of. She's cleaning house in both parties in the large state she's run for 2 years. All the criticisms
of her have nothing to do with decisions made by presidents or VPs. VPs are supposed to be trivial elements of a campaign.
Traditionally, they never help a ticket. Candidates usually just hope their running mate doesn't harm them. Obama & McCain
have both picked running mates far more qualified than Obama is to be President. It takes a while for some people to finally
get around to reading all the reasons why a bigot with zero resume like Obama won't likely be elected to more than his first
idle term in the senate, let alone the White House. Obama hasn't run a city or a state, just a campaign that barely survives
with a far larger budget than his opponents. Sure, let Obama run this country like he runs his campaign. He'll bankrupt us.
Then the Chinese, Russians & Saudis will buy us all out inside of a week.

Where do Obama supporters get off saying Palin isn't qualified? She's been Alaska governor for 2 years w/88% approval. She defeated an incumbant Republican governor. She's cleaning up both parties of the Alaska legislature and shooting down big, wasteful, pork-barrel projects.

Obama did nothing as a senator for 1 year then started running for president. Democrats have no business this year accusing anyone of being inexperienced.

Obama is "Change You Can Believe In?" I believe in him like I believe in the tooth fairey.

Sarah Palin already has a proven track record of changing government & McCain is bringing her to DC.

Has anyone told Obama it isn't 2004 anymore & Bush/Cheney are not on the ballot? Only an idiot would confuse McCain w/either since he's hardly acceptable to conservatives.

Choosing Biden for running mate almost makes me think there's some huge conspiracy to fake Obama's demise so Biden or Michelle can be president.

Otherwise, Biden makes a crummy choice for VP. Ideally you want to choose someone who might be a good candidate 8 years in the future. 8 years from now, Joe will be 73? He's already made what seems like several failed attempts to be nominated before. 8 years from now he'll probably be just as unsuccessful a candidate as ever.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dale's Caricatures NY says thanks

Thanks to my customers who made this month possibly the busiest August I've ever had. July was slower than the year before probably because soaring gas prices & falling stocks were finally enough to make even my customers nervous about spending the cash to have the best caricaturist at their barbecues. As soon as gas prices started to slip, my phone started to ring during what is usually the slowest season of the year. It also appears work I did on my website during July's slow season has also born fruit. My search ranking will now likely slip a bit since it'll be a week or so before I can continue work on due to my primary laptop being out for repairs.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

testimonial caricatures ny 2008

Thanks to Megan for writing a nice review of my party caricature services:

"Dale was a hit at my daughter's birthday celebration.
I would recommend him to anyone who is planning
a party ..." *****
- Megan Aug 23, 2008